Our hearts have always been with the animals.

Since our childhoods in Africa, we have loved the natural world and the great abundance of wild creatures within it. Long before we formed our Foundation in 2008, we helped all sorts of animal charities wherever and whenever we could. Without fanfare and without outside money, whenever we saw an opportunity to support wildlife and habitat, we did so.

Because we were building multiple businesses as well as our family over those decades, when we donated our time and money, we did it as efficiently and effectively as possible. That meant seeking out groups that were already doing the best work; vetting them to ascertain the money was going to its intended purpose; and supporting those that used legions of volunteers to increase their effective reach.

Often this meant supporting trusted churches with proven records of success in preserving wildlife, habitat, and the people who live among them – for we do not overlook humans in need. Several of the 300-plus employees in our many businesses belonged to churches that were active in sending volunteers overseas to remote areas to create housing, water purification systems, clinics, and orphanages. By supporting them, we could leverage our own donations of time and money, multiplying it among many of our own dedicated employees, all doing the best work.

These are some of the groups we’ve supported and continue to support
  • Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, helping to care for the blind, elderly, dying, and those afflicted with leprosy

  • Financed construction of tanks and water purification systems, allowing villagers first-ever access to clean water
  • Built a medical/dental clinic in Haiti, stocked it with new equipment, and paid doctors’ salaries; financed travelling doctors to serve in remote regions of the world; worked with eye clinics to help restore sight to dozens of people
  • Paid for medicine to be distributed to remote villages in the Philippines; paid for books and backpacks for children in orphanages in the Philippines; paid for school uniforms for children in Africa
  • Donated tens of thousands of dollars to top-rated organizations that aid refugees around the world
  • Paid for refrigeration in a mobile unit to feed local children in need during summer vacation; purchased pick-up truckloads of food and personally delivered it to the local food bank; supported the meal program for local Boys & Girls Clubs
  • Supported several circus animal-rescue centers; Big Cat rescue centers; and numerous no-kill dog rescue centers across the country
Water tower built in Philippines
Clean, fresh water for the local villagers
Child clutching bag of donated food
Food & medicine being distributed in remote regions
New ranger vehicle being presented to Kenya Wildlife Service by Shiraz & Leili Wildlife Foundation

As we enter the latter third of our lives,

…we are focusing on wildlife, and especially fighting the abhorrent crime of poaching. With Leili retired, and Shiraz semi-retired, we can concentrate our abundant energy and drive on helping wild animals survive, thrive, and increase in number.

Currently, we are aiding multiple elephant sanctuaries and orphanages, to combat poachers who kill mother elephants for their tusks alone, leaving babies to die. We recently purchased and delivered a new 8-seat Ranger vehicle, presenting it to Kenya Wildlife Services for anti-poaching use. We have more vehicles and trucks scheduled for the near future.

Remembering the thousands upon thousands of animals that filled the forests and darkened the plains of Africa in our childhoods, we are choosing to spend the final chapter of our lives supporting wildlife. Many of you will recognize the proverb “We will speak for those that cannot speak for themselves.”